Wednesday 16 October 2024 at 7pm BST

Launch of our food in healthcare campaign – Plants First Healthcare

Featuring Dr Shireen Kassam, PBHP UK and Heidi Fritz, Healthcare Director and Dietitian at Greener by Default

Hosted by Rohini Bajekal, Nutritionist & Board Member of Plant-Based Health Professionals UK

Join our webinar on launch day to learn how you can take action to support the campaign.


We are calling on NHS trusts, Integrated Care Boards (ICBs) and all other healthcare organisations across the United Kingdom to adopt a ‘Plant-Based by Default’ food menu. The aim of the campaign is to normalise plant-based meals within healthcare settings by making plant-based food the default. This approach has already been successfully implemented in 11 city hospitals in New York City.

Plant-Based Health Professionals UK will also be sharing our Food in Healthcare report which includes the evidence for plants first healthcare, some of our research data and our recommendations for future action.

Visit to join our community. Membership is open to everyone around the world.

Visit for more information.

Launch of Plants First Healthcare - webinar

This webinar lasts one hour including a Live Q&A.