
Unless otherwise noted, these factsheets have been created by the team at Plant-Based Health Professionals UK. Do share these free resources widely and please credit us when using them.

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Plant-Based Diets

The Plant-Based Eatwell Guide

Download: A4 | Wall Chart

Updated May 2023

Plant Based eating on a budget PBHP factsheet

Plant-Based on a Budget

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Plant based diets and health factsheet

Plant-Based diets and Health

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The benefits of a plant-based diet

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Gain weight on a plant based diet

Gain weight healthfully

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Nutrition counselling tips for pharmacists

Nutrition counselling tips for pharmacists

Nutrition counselling tips for pharmacists

Protein on a Plant-Based Diet

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Ultraprocessed foods factsheet

Ultraprocessed foods

Click to download

Downloaded from globalfoodresearchprogram.web

Unsustainable consumption of meat

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Vitamin D

Ensuring access to vegan food in hospitals

Ensuring access to Vegan food in hospitals

Healthy meal swaps

Plant based breakfast meal swaps

Breakfast meal swaps

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Plant based lunch meal swaps

Lunch meal swaps

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Plant based dinner meal swaps

Dinner meal swaps

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Plant based snacks swaps

Snacks swaps

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Plant based snacks swaps

Healthy South Asian swaps

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Health & Weight Loss

Bone health

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Bone health for health professionals

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Bowel Cancer Prevention

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Plant based health factsheet - bowel cancer prevention

Bowel Cancer Prevention tri-fold leaflet

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Calorie density - the key to successful weight loss

By Dr Leila Dehghan

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Getting ready for colonoscopy on a vegan or plant-based diet

Colonoscopy on a vegan diet

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Fasting For Weight Loss

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with permission from nutritionfacts.org

Iron on a Plant-Based Diet

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Lifestyle choices to boost immunity

With permission from ACLM

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Plant based health factsheet - reduce risk of cancer

Lowering cancer risk

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Portion size guide

By Dr Leila Dehghan

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Prehabilitation: The role of diet and lifestyle

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Prehabilitation for Health Professionals

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10 Tips for Weight Management on a Plant Based Diet

By Rosie Martin & Sue Kenneally

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Sports Nutrition

By Dr Leila Dehghan and TJ Waterfall

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Diet, lifestyle and fertility

By Lisa Simon, Registered Dietitian

Click to download (Updated Apr 2024)

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Healthy vegan pregnancy

Supported by Vegfund

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[Updated April 2024]

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Healthy vegan pregnancy tri-fold leaflet

Supported by Vegfund

Click to download
[Updated April 2024]


Feeding your baby in the first year

By Miriam Martinez-Biarge, designed by Kate Dunbar

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Feeding your baby in the second year

By Miriam Martinez-Biarge, designed by Kate Dunbar

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By Dr Miriam Martinez-Biarge
Designed by Kate Dunbar

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Introducing peanuts to your baby

By Dr Miriam Martinez-Biarge

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[updated June 2024]

Plant-based eating for children: nutritional considerations

Available with permission from mynutriweb.com

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Plant based health factsheet - acne

Acid Reflux / GORD

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Plant based health factsheet - acne


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Plant based health factsheet - alzheimers disease

Alzheimer's disease

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Plant based health factsheet - bloating


Plant based health factsheet - reduce cholesterol

High Cholesterol

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Plant based health factsheet -  reduce cholesterol

Lowering Cholesterol

Available with permission from heartuk.org.uk

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Plant based health factsheet - coeliac disease

Chronic Kidney Disease

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Reducing potassium in CKD when you are following a plant based diet

Reducing Potassium in Chronic Kidney Disease

Click to download

This resource is created by the BDA Renal Nutrition Specialist Group and shared with permission

Plant based health factsheet - coeliac disease

Coeliac Disease

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Constipation factsheet


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Plant based health factsheet - Coronary Heart Disease

Coronary Heart Disease

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Kidney failure and dialysis factsheet


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Metabolic dysfunction-associated steatoic liver disease - MASLD - Noon-alcoholic fatty liver disease - NAFLD - factsheet

Fatty Liver Disease

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Plant based health factsheet - hypertension


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Updated July 2024

Plant based health factsheet - irritable bowel syndrome

First line recommendations for irritable bowel syndrome

by Rosie Martin RD,
designed by Kate Dunbar

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Plant based health factsheet - IBS

Plant-based low FODMAP diet for irritable bowel syndrome

by Despina Marselou, RD,
designed by Kate Dunbar

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Plant based health factsheet - IBS

Kidney (Renal) Transplant

by Angeline Taylor

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Migraine factsheet


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Multiple Sclerosis factsheet

Multiple Sclerosis

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Plant based health factsheet - stroke


Click to download (English, updated 15/9/23)
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Plant based health factsheet - triglycerides


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