School and Nursery Resources

Proveg international

The case for more plant-based food in schools by Ailsa McHardy RD

Ailsa Hardy, webinar on supporting schools to adopt more plant-based menus

Proveg international

Proveg School Plates programme

Imagine if we were able to help to save the planet, improve the health of school children and save money – all through the simplest of changes.

School Plates does just that.

Proveg International

Plant Based Schools Kitchen

Eating a plant based diet offers benefits for both physical and mental health and it can also help students to perform better in school.

Veganism in Education


Veganism in Education aims to provide children and young people with the knowledge and skills to critically think about the way we define and use animals and inter-related health, social justice and environmental issues. This teaching will enable them to develop their own moral values and flourish as empathetic and ethically responsible citizens.

Vegan Inclusive Education

Vegan Inclusive Education

Let’s set to work to make sure that vegan pupils are fully included, with suitable school meals, education and protection from harm.

Supporting a Children’s Nursery in the transition to a Plant-Based Menu

If you want to invite one of the team to speak at your school or nursery, please get in touch.