Research publications

We’re pleased to provide links and references to published articles by the PBHP team.

Dietary habits and self-reported health outcomes in a cross-sectional survey of health-conscious adults eating a plant-based diet. Sadler I, Bauer A, Kassam S. J Hum Nutr Diet. 2024; 1–14.

A Whole Food Plant-Based Approach to Ulcerative Colitis; A Case Series. Marselou D, Kassam S. American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine. 2023;0(0). doi:10.1177/15598276231213325

Attitudes of hospital patients regarding removal of processed and unprocessed red meats from menus to support sustainable healthcare targets: A single-centre survey. Truman, M, Smith, L-J, Kassam, S. Lifestyle Medicine. 2023;e87.

The Impact of Stopping Medications and Introducing a Whole Food Plant-Based Diet on Patients Living with Multiple Sclerosis – A Report of Two Cases. Cuthburt, M, Lewandowska, M. Freeman, L, Devine, C. Lee, K. Kassam, S. American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine. December 2022

A Whole Food Plant-Based Approach for Migraine; A Case Series. Morton O, Shehata M, Gabbitas N, Kassam S.American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine. August 2022. doi:10.1177/15598276221120520

The Role of Nutrition in Cancer Prevention – Should You Listen to Your Doctor or Influencer? Shireen Kassam and Laura Freeman. Am J Lifestyle Med. 2022, first published 6th July 2022.

It’s time for healthcare professionals to demand a plant-based food system. Shireen Kassam, Laura Freeman. British Journal of General Practice 2021; 71 (713): 554. DOI: 10.3399/bjgp21X717857

Evaluating nutrition education interventions for medical students: A rapid review. Priya Patel and Shireen Kassam.Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics. First Published 29th November 2021

Managing Psoriatic Arthritis With a Whole Food Plant-Based Diet: A Case Study. Lewandowska M, Dunbar K, Kassam S. Am J Lifestyle Med. 2021 Feb 12;15(4):402-406. doi: 10.1177/1559827621993435. PMID: 34366737; PMCID: PMC8299928.

How to help patients transition to a healthy and sustainable plant-based diet. Kassam S, Dehghan L, Freeman L. Br J Gen Pract. 2021 Feb 25;71(704):127. doi: 10.3399/bjgp21X715121. PMID: 33632689; PMCID: PMC7909932.

Healthy diets as a guide to responsible food systems. Kassam, SJenkins, D. Bristor, D. and Kassam, Z. Rethinking Food and Agriculture, New Ways Forward (2020), Chapter 15

Does Diet Impact the Risk of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma? Lewandowska, M., Aune, D., Bristor, D., & Kassam, S. (2019). International Journal of Disease Reversal and Prevention, 1(1), 6 pp.