Wednesday 24th January 2024 at 6PM GMT
Evidence-Based Vegan Nutrition and Myth-Busting
with Andrea Rymer, Registered Dietitian at The Vegan Society and Rohini Bajekal, Nutritionist & Comms Lead at Plant-Based Health Professionals UK
This hour-long webinar kicked off with a presentation by Andrea and Rohini on common plant-based nutrition myths and where to find science-backed nutrition resources. This was followed by an interactive audience Q&A.
About the speakers
Andrea Rymer
Andrea is a Registered Dietitian who forms part of the nutrition team at The Vegan Society. Andrea chose to study dietetics to combine her love of food and cooking with nutritional knowledge. Some of her work involves developing nutritional resources, answering public nutrition related queries, providing education sessions to public sector industries, creating healthy balanced recipes and responding to media hot topics. Andrea has experience working in food and catering industries and since becoming a Dietitian, has specialised in hospital food services, learning disabilities and weight management. Andrea adopted a vegan lifestyle in 2014 and is now using her professional and personal skills and experiences to support the work of The Vegan Society. Visit:
Rohini Bajekal
Rohini is a nutritionist (MSc) and board-certified Lifestyle Medicine professional. Rohini is based in London and provides evidence-based nutrition and lifestyle advice to her clients around the world. Rohini leads communications at Plant-Based Health Professionals UK and is part of the Dietitian and Nutritionist Advisory Committee at Diet ID. Together with her mother, Dr Nitu Bajekal, ObGyn, Rohini co-authored Living PCOS Free: How to Regain Your Hormonal Health with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. She also wrote the chapter on lifestyle medicine for the book How To Go Plant-Based by Ella Mills, Founder of Deliciously Ella.