Guide to Self-Publishing by Jane Thurnell-Read, Author (PBHP Members only)
Tuesday 22nd November 2022, 7pm GMT London
Have you ever thought you’d like to write a book on some aspect of plant-based living? It’s probably a lot easier to self-publish than you’d imagine. Jane will give you an overview of the simplest way and least risky way to get your book published. We will look at how you can see in advance if your book will sell, the importance of the title and subtitle and how to get reviews to help your book fly. The session will wrap up with a lively and interactive Q&A.
About Jane
Jane published her first book in 1995 with a regular publisher. Subsequently she had contracts with two further publishers. After unsatisfactory experiences with all three, she started self-publishing books for an extremely niche market. In 2022 she self-published two books for general readers. The second book on the menopause is regularly number one in two categories and in the top 4000 books (fiction, non-fiction, children’s etc.) on Amazon UK. Jane is a PBHP UK member and Trustee at Veganuary.
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