Plant Based Treaty

Plant Based Treaty

We are proud supporters of the Plant Based Treaty, which is a landmark international treaty and first of its kind to put food systems at the heart of combating the climate crisis. The Treaty aims to halt the widespread degradation of critical ecosystems caused by...
Why we need a plant-based food system

Why we need a plant-based food system

Why we need a plant-based food system Watch a replay of Rohini Bajekal speaking about the link between zoonotic disease and pandemics and benefits of plant-based diet for human health and planetary health on facebook. Read her speech below: My name is Rohini Bajekal...
Preventing pandemics

Preventing pandemics

Preventing pandemics We support the Food & Pandemics Report by ProVeg Find out more here. View all...
Open letter to Dr Hilary Jones with reference to free school milk

Open letter to Dr Hilary Jones with reference to free school milk

Open letter to Dr Hilary Jones with reference to free school milk Response to Dr Hilary Jones’ letter to RT Hon Matt Hancock MP Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, regarding Plant Based Health Professionals UK’s call to replace free school milk in school...
World plant milk day campaign

World plant milk day campaign

World plant milk day campaign When Margaret Thatcher made herself a figure of fun by ending free school milk for children, she could hardly have envisaged that the cause would be taken up 49 years later. For the education secretary, as she then was, it was an effort...